Creatives must be sent at least 48h prior to the beginning of the campaign, in order to test them properly

Format Size Max Weight More information
Billboard 980×250; 1,200×250 250 Kb +
Button 300×100 – 300×90 – 300×200 150 Kb +
Button Native 150 Kb +
Native Out 300×160 (ratio 16:9) 150 Kb +
Narrow Banner 980×60 – 960×60; 1,200×60 (ABC desktop) – 300×30 (ABC mobile) 150 Kb +
Megabanner 728×90 150 Kb +
Mpu 300×250 150 Kb +
Double Mpu 300×600 250 Kb +
Skyscraper 120×800 (homepage and news), 450×1,000 (homepage and fixed actions) 250 Kb +
Supermegabanner 980×90; 1,200×90 150 Kb +
Text Link 80×80 +
Display intext Native – 300×600 – 300×250 +
Format Size Max Weight More information
Dropdown Mask 1,200×90 – 1,200×250 expandable maximum to 1,200×1,000 250 Kb +
DropWall 1,200×90 – 1,200×600 250 Kb +
Format Size Max Weight More information
Sponsorship and special actions Logo 100×30 px 100 Kb +
Wallpaper 1,920×1,080 500 Kb +
Interactive Wallpaper 1,920×1,080 500 Kb +
Wallpaper video sky 1,920×1,080 500 Kb +
Videowall 16:9 without black bands 250 Kb +
Premium Brand Day Billboard 1,200×250, Skys 450×1,000, MPU 300×600/300×250, Custom Layer 1,920×1080, Banner 320×100/320×50 250 Kb +
Masthead Billboard 1,280×250 with an optional video 16:9 250 Kb +
Interscroller Desktop-only format, consisting of a billboard and a background 250 Kb +
Devil Double Mpu 300×600 or 300×1,000 only for desktop 250 Kb +
Flip MPU 300×250 for desktop and mobile 250 Kb +
Format Size Max Weight More information
inText 1,280×720 (16:9) 1.1 Mb +
Pre-roll / Post-roll 640×480 (4:3) / 640×360 (16:9) 1.1 Mb +
Format Size Max Weight More information
Banner 320×50 –  320×100 50 Kb +
Banner Sticky 320×50 –  320×100 50 Kb +
Dropdown Banner Sticky 320×100 and 320×480 50 Kb +
inBoard ABC Play 320 x 240 max (16:9) without black bands 50 KB / Vídeo 1 Mb +
inBoard Home Brand Day 320 x 150 max (16:9) without black bands 50 KB / Vídeo 1 Mb +
Expandable inBoard Image 320 x 100  Video (16:9) without black bands 50 KB / Vídeo 1 Mb +
Mpu 300×250 150 Kb +
Double Mpu 300×600 250 Kb +
Scrolling mpu 300×800 250 Kb +
Skin Mobile 320×100 – 320×50 – 320×30 50 Kb +
Video skin mpu 400×250 50 Kb +
Relevo Video Ad Mobile 1,080 x 1920 px 9:16 500 Mb +
Twitter Pre-Roll Recommended 1,200 x 1,200; (minimum for 1:1 is 600 x 600; if not 640 x 360 minimum) 1 GB +
Content Short 300×600 Vídeo 1 Mb +
Format Size Max Weight More information
Billboard with skys PG Billboard: 1,200×250 and Skys: 120×801, 450×1,001 and 120×802 or 450×1,000 250 Kb +
Format Size Max Weight More information
Banner 320×100 – 320×50 50 Kb +
Megabanner 728×90 50 Kb +
Mpu 300×250 50 Kb +
Skyscraper 120×600 and 120×800 50 Kb +
Supermegabanner 980×90; 1,200×90 50 Kb +

They are not allowed creatives 48 hours before campaign begins. To review and correct mistakes